
November 9, 2022

Check out the listing below for the latest publications of the "6G" article. Stay tuned for a new article to release in the coming months! Electronic Products: Design & Test (online) // Click here to download Industry Today (online) // Click here to download Microwave Product Digest Online // Click here to download Print // Click here to download US Tech (online) // Click here [...]

November 9th, 2022|

October 7, 2022

September was a great month for seeing continued interest the "Hybrid Circulator" and "6G" articles with a total of five publications! Hybrid Circulator: International Design Engineer // Click here to download Design Solutions // Click here to download 6G: Electronics Today // Click here to download Electronic Products: Design & Test // Click here to download US Tech // Click here to download

October 7th, 2022|

September 7, 2022

Exciting news this month! Micro Harmonics is pleased to announce that VIPC | Virginia Innovation Partnership Corporation has selected us to participate in their Commonwealth Commercialization Fund (CCF) award. Under this program, we will develop our patent pending hybrid circulator in the WR3.4 band (220 to 330 GHz). In other related news, the Hybrid Circulator article continues to be published, even making the cover story [...]

September 7th, 2022|

August 16, 2022

This month both the "Hybrid Circulator" and "6G" articles continue to generate interest. Check out the most recent online postings below: Hybrid Circulator: Aerospace and Defense Technology // Click here to download 6G: Microwave Engineering Europe // Click here to download

August 16th, 2022|

July 29, 2022

Another publication (Electronics Specifier) has picked up the article discussing how Micro Harmonics' newly designed and soon to be patented Hybrid Circulator is enabling technology that was not possible with the traditional Y-junction approach. Click here to read the article online // Click here to download

July 29th, 2022|

July 8, 2022

"While the rollout of 5G is still in its infancy, bleeding-edge research around the world is now heavily focused on solving a significant problem that is expected to arise within the next few years..." Check out this article published by Everything RF discussing how products developed by Micro Harmonics are paving the way into the future! // Click here to download

July 8th, 2022|

May 17, 2022

Two additional sources have published the article discussing our patent-pending Hybrid Circulator: 5/11/2022 (online): Aerospace Tech Reviews // Click here to download 4/26/2022 (online): Design and Development Today // Click here to download

May 17th, 2022|

April 22, 2022

The latest publications to feature our patent-pending Hybrid Circulator include: US Tech Print edition (April/May 2022) // Click here to download Online // Click here to download Design2Part Print edition (April 2022) // Click here to download Online // Click here to download

April 22nd, 2022|

April 12, 2022

News Electronics has picked up our Hybrid Circulator story! Click here to download

April 12th, 2022|

March 4, 2022

Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) released their 2021 annual report. On pages 76-77 of the report Micro Harmonics is quoted discussing how VEDP was integral to developing our marketing strategy during COVID. In other news, additional publications featuring our technology include: Dec/Jan 2022 (print only): Electronics Today published the story on advanced circulators // Click here to download 2/24/2022 (online): eeDesignIt published the story on [...]

March 4th, 2022|
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