Waveguide losses become problematic at the higher mm-wave frequencies. And the size and weight of mm-wave systems is always an important consideration. So, in response to customer inquiries, we are introducing a new line of isolators that provide internal access to the flange screws. This eliminates the need for connecting waveguides between the isolator and other system components, resulting in an overall reduction in the size of the system, reduced loss, and lower cost.
The graphic below shows our WR-10 isolator model FR100 on the left. On the right we show the newer WR-10 model FR100 which has the internal flange screw access. We also show an example of the FR100 attached between two system components.
Our WR-2.8 isolator model FR28 is shown to the right. The FR28 covers the band from 260-400 GHz. This is an example where the length of the isolator was increased to gain internal screw access. But eliminating two 1-inch sections of WR-2.8 waveguide is worth it.
At Micro Harmonics, we listen carefully to our customers and do our best to respond to their needs. We are always seeking ways to improve our products and better serve the global mm‑wave community. Other models are currently available and more are coming.